* 所有項目必須填寫
電話 Tel: 2835 2379 / 2835 1694
電郵 Email: schools@eeb.gov.hk
當 貴校提交相應資料時,即代表 貴校授權及同意環運會及其秘書處使用你所提供的個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡電話、傳真號碼、學校地址和電郵地址)向你推介環境及生態局及/或環運會的最新發展、政策、活動和計劃。
Upon providing the required information, your school has given consent to the ECC and its Secretariat to use the personal data (including your name, contact number, fax number, school address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, policies, activities and schemes of the EEB and/or the ECC.