Green Prefect (GP) Programme

About the Programme

[Green Prefect Programme 2023/24 is Now Open for Application]

The Programme facilitates schools in developing a group of energetic and resourceful Green Prefects (GPs) with deeper understanding of environmental issues, to arouse their peers' environmental awareness through encouragement and monitoring their green habits on campus, and ultimately help improve their schools' environmental performance.

Implementation Process

School to nominate School GPs and Head GPs

School to nominate
School GPs and Head GPs

Teacher and the GP Group watch briefing videos

Teacher and the GP Group
watch briefing videos

The GP Group goes through the handbook

The GP Group goes through
the handbook

The GP Group carries out monitoring duties and surprise check, and organises environmental promotion activities

The GP Group carries out
monitoring duties
and surprise check,
and organises
environmental promotion activities

Teacher and the GP Group conduct evaluation to assess school’s environmental performance

Teacher and the GP Group
conduct evaluation
to assess school's
environmental performance

Students and schools go greener

Students and schools
go greener

Suggested Structure

Teacher Advisor, Head Green Prefect (1 - 2 for each school), Green Prefect (1 - 2 for each class)

Experience Sharing of Past Participating Schools

Primary School

Secondary School

Support and Recognition